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Embodied Community Councils & Rituals

Gather with us around the virtual fire for our community embodiment councils on topics from body love & shame, to eros & sexuality in all ages, to aging together and rites of passage–all explored through deep-body research and movement, and  led by the expert facilitators from our Deep Body Collective. 

The following is a partial list. More to be added soon! 

Upcoming Councils Schedule

Oct 27, 2022

SHADOW DANCING: Moving Towards Embodied Wholeness with Michelle Hardeman-Guptill

What is one particular aspect of your personality, personal experience or defensive patterns that creates discomfort, unease or resistance? That one part of you that feels like it intrudes on your peace, ruins the party, or causes conflict in relationships. What happens when we choose to dance with these unlikable or even unlovable parts of ourselves rather than trying to shove them away, pretend they aren't there or rage at them? What happens when we take some time to bring curiosity and compassion to our shadowy parts? What is possible to reclaim when we learn to flow with the shadow?

Oct 27, 2022

WISE BREAST: Embodied Breast Health with Abigail Hinds

While our breasts are a powerhouse center of feminine intelligence and flow, they are also often one of the most tender and neglected parts of our bodies. Laying right over our spiraling, feeling, sensing hearts. Our breasts receive the intelligent flow of these hearts, the immense love and beauty we are touched by, as well as the heartbreak, vulnerability, the longings and unexpressed feelings. All that moves through the channels of our hearts is moving through the channels of our breasts. When we invest the time to tune in, what wisdom might they have to share with us? What might be ready to move and be felt? 

In this exploration, we contact the rivers of life that run through our chests and explore how they are flowing, or not flowing. Listening to the sensations, movements and messages that run through these channels, creating pathways for them to express and be felt. Exploring, touching, moving ~ with presence, tenderness, curiosity, and play. What might we discover our breasts have to say?

Dec 15, 2022

GRIEF AND PRAISE:  The Two Wings of the Beating Heart with Dana Schlick

“When you’re grieving for the thing you’ve got it’s praise… when you’re praising for the thing you lost it’s grief.” Martin Prechtel

Grief and Praise are the two wings of the alive and beating heart. So what is grief? What is praise? In this council we will traverse the big questions of why we must meet these essential seeming polarities of life, especially in these times. What happens when we don’t? Why don’t we enter? How do we let it go and flow through us without drowning in the sea of sorrows?  We will deepen into how grief and praise can be a substance of nourishment and regeneration to the earth, our bodies, our relations and the world.


Feb 23, 2023

BIG WOMAN: Free To Be Large in Every Way with Carina Lyall

What is it like to take up space in this World – as body, as person, as dreamer, lover, mover? In this council we will explore what comes up for us as we allow who we are to be visible to others, maybe ourselves. We will enquire what it is to be here exactly as we are. How do we shrink? How do we expand from the core of our being and sing the song that is ours to sing? We shall touch on what becomes available when we allow ourselves to grow, bigger, larger, here.

March 23, 2023

NOURISHED OR STARVED: Our Bodies and the Soul of Food with Colleen Young

One of our most embodied experiences in life is eating. Let's gather around the virtual fire to explore the ways our relationship with food has shifted over the course our lives. What does restriction do to our soul? How does your relationship with food mirror your relationship with yourself? Let's explore what it feels like to truly listen and give our body permission to have what she wants. What she craves. What she desires. Who would we be if we abandoned our food rules, and learned how to honor our hunger AND our fullness not just for food, but for life? Let's dig in!

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