One day when my last breaths
bless these lungs
and it’s time to set on that other journey,
I want to be able to say:
I loved this body– my home of wonder and beauty and pain- I loved this body so well.
I want to say, I cherished my body like I cherished my dreams. Like I cherished the world. I learned to love it like one loves a child in the times of war.
And war it was– against my own territories. But I brought peace- and it wasn’t too late. I loved and loved and touched and praised where I had devastated my own lands, and set free what was taken hostage by my culture
I sang and sang over these curves and the belly and the weird toes and the childhood scar and every inch of skin and blemish and deficit and imperfection- I sang and loved, and made an anthem of acceptance
I sat in temples of sensation. I found the whole world in my womb. I lived in this flesh like one lives on holy, holy ground and I gave thanks for its miracle, its woundability, its sacred pleasure.
And when the choice was mine,
I said, no, thank you,
I will not squeeze
my soul into the corset
of a perfect body-
I’ll be my own,
wild and wise
and yearning body–
a body that knew how to
cherish herself
and the world,
all the way till
the end.
~Stefana Serafina
Gratitude for the sheer raw beauty and living, breathing wisdom you share...
Mmmmm gorgeous ✨💖✨
This is so deliciously penetrating my whole body and soul. Yummy liquified sweet honey like words infiltrating my every cell. This is embodied lived wisdom being so generously shared here. Thank you so much for letting HER live you! I bow to HER!
I love you deeply!❤️
would love to know how this touches your soul…